- Namespace
Namespace for Ame.
- AbortAllProcessing #
Value thrown to abort processing of a Root.process or
- AbortProcessing #
Value thrown to abort processing of a Class.process or
- Class
The superclass of a Ruby class that wants to be able to be invoked from the command line (or with any list of String options and arguments).
- Help
Namespace for help output.
- MalformedArgument #
Error raised when an argument can’t be parsed into the desired type.
- MissingArgument #
Error raised when a required argument is missing.
- Root
Root of a hierarchy of Classes.
- SuperfluousArgument #
Error raised when too many arguments have been given.
- Types
Types registered with Ame for parsing command-line arguments into Ruby values.
- UnrecognizedMethod #
Error raised when a dispatch is invoked on a method that doesn’t exist.
- UnrecognizedOption #
Error raised when an unrecognized option has been given.