- Namespace
- Ancestors
Defines RubyGems-related tasks. This includes tasks for generating a gem specification, creating a gem file, checking the gem file before distribution, installing gem dependencies, installing and uninstalling the gem locally, and pushing the gem to a distribution point.
initialize(optionsHash = {}
){ |taskself, specificationGem::Specification| … }?#⚙
Sets up tasks based on inventory and specification, optionally yields the task object and the gem specification for further customization, then #defines the tasks.
The default for specification is to use the name, version, authors, email,
homepage, licenses, and files of the inventory, use all of README
as the
description, set the summary to the first sentence of the description, set
the require paths to “lib”, add each extension of the inventory’s extconf
to the extensions, and finally add inventory’s dependencies.
- Options
- :inventoryInventory =
The inventory to use
- :specificationGem::Specification
The specification to use
- :inventoryInventory =
Instance Methods
Defines the following tasks:
- spec
Create specifications; depends on gem:spec.
- gem:spec
Create gem specification; depends on gemspec.
- gemspec (file)
Gem specification file; depends on Rakefile, README, and inventory path.
- dist
Create files for distribution; depends on gem:dist.
- gem:dist
Create gem for distribution; depends on inventory:check and gem file.
- gem (file)
Gem file; depends on files included in gem.
- dist:check
Check files before distribution; depends on dist and gem:dist:check.
- gem:dist:check
Check gem before distribution; depends on gem:dist.
- deps:install
Install dependencies on the local system; depends on gem:deps:install.
- gem:deps:install
Install dependencies in ruby gem directory.
- deps:install:user
Install dependencies for the current user; depends on gem:deps:install:user.
- gem:deps:install:user
Install dependencies in the user gem directory.
- install
Install distribution files on the local system; depends on gem:install.
- gem:install
Install gem in ruby gem directory; depends on gem:dist.
- install:user
Install distribution files for the current user; depends on gem:install:user.
- gem:install:user
Install gem in the user gem directory.
- uninstall
Delete all files installed on the local system.
- gem:uninstall
Uninstall gem from ruby gem directory.
- uninstall:user
Delete all files installed for current user.
- gem:uninstall:user
Uninstall gem from ruby gem directory.
- push
Push distribution files to distribution hubs.
- gem:push
Push gem to
The gemspec will be added to Inventory::Rake::Tasks.cleanfiles.
Sets and returns the inventory to use: value.
Sets and returns the specification to use: value.